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Ecommerce Subscription Ads for Healthy Meal Delivery Kits in Washington DC Grows Sales by 540%

Washington, DC's healthiest meal delivery service grows local subscriber base through facebook and instagram marketing campaigns.
Digital Marketing
Facebook Advertising
Social Media Marketing
Vegetable and Butcher
Ecommerce Subscription Ads for Healthy Meal Delivery Kits in Washington DC Grows Sales by 540%

Case Study: Vegetable and Butcher

Vegetable and Butcher is a healthy meal delivery brand based in Washington DC that offers weekly meal plans featuring fresh, locally-sourced ingredients. They came to us seeking help with increasing their sales through digital marketing.

Project Overview

Vegetable and Butcher was facing a common problem for many meal delivery companies: how to acquire new customers cost-effectively in a highly competitive market. They had tried various marketing tactics in the past, but struggled to achieve the desired results. Our team was tasked with developing a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that would help them increase sales and drive growth.

Marketing Campaign Structure

We began by conducting market research to better understand the target audience and competitive landscape. Based on our findings, we developed a multi-channel marketing plan that included the following tactics:

  • Facebook and Instagram ads targeting health-conscious individuals in the DC area
  • Google Ads campaigns targeting individuals searching for healthy meal delivery options in DC
  • Email marketing campaigns to engage with current and potential customers and promote new meal plans
  • Influencer partnerships with local health and wellness bloggers and social media influencers

We also implemented advanced tracking and analytics to monitor the performance of each campaign and make data-driven decisions to optimize our efforts.


Our digital marketing campaigns for Vegetable and Butcher were a resounding success, exceeding all expectations. Here are the results we achieved:

  • Sales increased by 540%
  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) increased by 117%
  • Email open rates increased by 58%
  • Website traffic increased by 230%

Our multi-channel marketing approach allowed us to reach the right audience with the right messaging, resulting in a significant increase in sales and revenue for Vegetable and Butcher. By continually monitoring and optimizing our campaigns, we were able to sustain this growth over time and help the client achieve their business goals.

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